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Today's ride is about 43 km. A few tears ago, I would have considered that an extremely short day an...
Today's ride is about 43 km. A few tears ago, I would have considered that an extremely short day and it would have taken about 2.5 hours. At the moment, I don't feel like I can go much further. At the rate that I've been going today, it would take about 3.5 hours but that still means that I would get to my next hotel 1.5 hours before I'm allowed to check in, so I stopped for a nice long rest on the bench in the picture.

UTC Time: 11:36, Thursday 04 August 2022
Local Time: 13:36, Thursday 04 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 0° 35' 4.16" E = 0.584490°
Estimate of latitude: 49° 14' 38.94" N = 49.244150°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres