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I was confused while trying to book this place. The hotel booking websites all showed two hotels in ...
I was confused while trying to book this place. The hotel booking websites all showed two hotels in the same place with the same address but slightly different names. One was significantly cheaper than the other and both had recent reviews. It turns out that the same company has a two star and a three star hotel on the same site.

When I checked in, a sign at reception said that the hotel was full. Looking at the car park now, I don't believe that.

UTC Time: 17:42, Monday 15 August 2022
Local Time: 19:42, Monday 15 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 1° 52' 27.41" E = 1.874280°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 4' 55.06" N = 48.081960°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres