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This will be the third time that I have visited Chartres. I've passed through in a different directi...
This will be the third time that I have visited Chartres. I've passed through in a different direction each time. It's always fun to try to spot the cathedral from as far away as possible. In 2004, I was only 4 km away. In 2011, it was a much better 21 km. This year it's 18.

UTC Time: 12:10, Tuesday 16 August 2022
Local Time: 14:10, Tuesday 16 August 2022
Estimate of longitude: 1° 41' 11.58" E = 1.686550°
Estimate of latitude: 48° 20' 56.22" N = 48.348950°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres