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However it's one of the few hotels in Zaragoza which has free parking. In fact it's got more than it...
However it's one of the few hotels in Zaragoza which has free parking. In fact it's got more than it needs. Where I've parked isn't the hotel's proper car park but just a spare car park which happened to be next door. The reason why it's not as silly a choice as it looks is because I believe that there's a bike path which runs all the way from here into the city along the canal.

UTC Time: 17:11, Saturday 20 May 2023
Local Time: 19:11, Saturday 20 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 0° 58' 57.76" W = -0.982710°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 39' 6.52" N = 41.651810°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres