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This is 1st of May Road in a Huesa. The first of May is the most common of all dates so I could have...
This is 1st of May Road in a Huesa. The first of May is the most common of all dates so I could have visited one almost anywere. At one stage in the planning I chose this one, to break up a long drive through the mountains. Then I changed my mind about that because I realised that I might not even come this way: there is an alternative motorway route which is longer but probably quicker. As it happens, I ended up chosing to do the first of May tomorrow instead, to break up another long drive. As I arrived in the village though, something told me to stop and visit this one. It's an odd choice given that it's pouring with rain and I'm already probably going to arrive at tonight's hotel later than I said I would, but it might turn out to be a good one.

UTC Time: 16:00, Tuesday 23 May 2023
Local Time: 18:00, Tuesday 23 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 3° 4' 36.62" W = -3.076840°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 45' 54.72" N = 37.765200°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres