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Okay. No fruit has fallen on my car while I was away but a second line of parked cars has formed, bo...
Okay. No fruit has fallen on my car while I was away but a second line of parked cars has formed, boxing me in. When she saw that I wanted to leave, the woman in the red car pulled forward and somebody in the next lane, which is the actual flowing traffic, stopped to let me pull out. After that I think the red car probably reversed into my space.

UTC Time: 11:49, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Local Time: 13:49, Wednesday 24 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 4° 47' 53.59" W = -4.798220°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 52' 58.37" N = 37.882880°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres