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This is not such a well-known date. It is the day when Belgium entered the First World War but I don...
This is not such a well-known date. It is the day when Belgium entered the First World War but I don't know if that's relevant.

Now if you're like me, this might get you wondering what other dates have roads named after them. Well I've been doing some research and I reckon the answer is... all of them.

That's my plan for this year then. I'm going to try to find a road named after each day of the year.

UTC Time: 15:30, Saturday 29 April 2023
Local Time: 17:30, Saturday 29 April 2023
Estimate of longitude: 4° 24' 3.64" E = 4.401010°
Estimate of latitude: 50° 49' 57.90" N = 50.832750°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres