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Pombalinho has some nicely preserved agricultural machines on display. They aren't the strangest thi...
Pombalinho has some nicely preserved agricultural machines on display. They aren't the strangest thing I saw around here though. That was a man who was cycling away from the village on a bike which had mounted on it not just a huge car horn but also ten green plastic fans, all facing forwards and spinning in he breeze as he rode. They were in a triangular arrangement with the bottom four on the handlebars and the top one higher than his head, so he was having to look through them. I assume that it was the motion of the bike which was causing the fans to spin, and not the other way round.

UTC Time: 10:22, Tuesday 30 May 2023
Local Time: 11:22, Tuesday 30 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 8° 33' 23.72" W = -8.556590°
Estimate of latitude: 39° 20' 33.25" N = 39.342570°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres