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As I get into this trip, it's possible that I might deviate from my schedule by a day or two so I ha...
As I get into this trip, it's possible that I might deviate from my schedule by a day or two so I haven't bothered to check how many roads I have a chance of visiting on the days after which they are named. This might be the only one. Statistically you would expect there to be just one.

The lower plaque says that it's named after 3rd May 1791 but I can't read the rest of it.

UTC Time: 05:45, Wednesday 03 May 2023
Local Time: 07:45, Wednesday 03 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 16° 55' 30.25" E = 16.925070°
Estimate of latitude: 52° 24' 30.96" N = 52.408600°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres