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I'm back in Spain and I've already gone the wrong way while trying to avoid a toll road. The result ...
I'm back in Spain and I've already gone the wrong way while trying to avoid a toll road. The result is that I've found a kiwi fruit farm, protected from the wind by a wall of tall trees just like in New Zealand.

I haven't got any pictures of Tui, the Spanish border town because I didn't manage to get away from my car. I intended to park in a road which had parked cars on both sides. However, when I parked on the right the camber of the road and the height of the kerb meant that I couldn't open my driver's side door. I parked on the left instead but a passing man pointed out that because the road had a solid white line along the middle to prevent overtaking, parking on the left was actually illegal so it wasn't a good idea to do it on that close to the border crossing where there were police. As well as that being useful advice, it also confirmed what I noticed in 2011, which is that compared to Portugese, Spanish is surprisingly easy to understand.

UTC Time: 11:12, Sunday 04 June 2023
Local Time: 13:12, Sunday 04 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 8° 37' 10.02" W = -8.619450°
Estimate of latitude: 42° 3' 16.52" N = 42.054590°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres