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It's a mini-apartment. Getting to it was complicated though. Somebody who seemed like the owner led ...
It's a mini-apartment. Getting to it was complicated though. Somebody who seemed like the owner led me through the restaurant out onto the street on the other side, then along the street, through a door, along a corridor, outside again into a courtyard and up some steps. The system here seems to be that somebody prints each guest's name on a sip of paper, attaches it to the key and leaves it in the door of the room. Because I only booked the room a few hours ago, the owner wasn't aware of my booking so she just looked for which room had my name on it. It got confusing though because she started with the room next to this one, which coincidentally had been booked by another Benjamin.

UTC Time: 15:39, Tuesday 06 June 2023
Local Time: 17:39, Tuesday 06 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 0° 13' 33.46" W = -0.225960°
Estimate of latitude: 44° 33' 54.00" N = 44.565000°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres