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My room. It's only 110 metres from where I left the motorway but it's taken me 33 minutes to get fro...
My room. It's only 110 metres from where I left the motorway but it's taken me 33 minutes to get from there to here. First I took a wrong turning and nearly got back on the mororway going in the opposite direction. Then I took the right turning but it felt wrong because it was the slip road to get back onto the motorway going in my original direction. It turned out that the road I needed was a turning off that slip road but having taken that, I went wrong again.

Then I arrived at the hotel. I couldn't check in immediately because even there were two receptionists, for some reason only one of them could handle hotel guests at a time. Then it took me another 10 minutes to find my room. The main problems were that, as far as I recall, the receptionist told me that my room was in the other building when it is in fact in the same building as reception, and that the rooms aren't numbered in the usual way: the first digit isn't the floor number.

UTC Time: 16:51, Thursday 08 June 2023
Local Time: 18:51, Thursday 08 June 2023
Estimate of longitude: 5° 56' 59.89" E = 5.949970°
Estimate of latitude: 45° 33' 36.83" N = 45.560230°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres