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The instruction manual for this car explained how to turn four hex bolts under the bonnet to convert...
The instruction manual for this car explained how to turn four hex bolts under the bonnet to convert the headlamps to right-side driving. I did that just before going through the Channel tunnel. This is the first time I've had chance to see the beam pattern since then and it doesn't seem to have worked. Nobody coming the other way has flashed me though, and I have had the lights on for most of the trip because that's a requirement in most of the countries.

UTC Time: 08:36, Monday 15 May 2023
Local Time: 10:36, Monday 15 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 9° 6' 22.43" E = 9.106230°
Estimate of latitude: 45° 32' 2.58" N = 45.534050°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres