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... most of the name signs say "PIAZZA XVIII DICEMBRE MARTITI DELLA CAMERA DEL LAVORO 1922"...
... most of the name signs say "PIAZZA XVIII DICEMBRE MARTITI DELLA CAMERA DEL LAVORO 1922", but there is also an older-looking sign here which just says "PIAZZA XVIII DIC. 1922", and then another which names the eleven martyrs. It's possibly contentious but I would say that the square is named after the day, not named after the martyrs, so I think it's valid.

UTC Time: 15:07, Tuesday 16 May 2023
Local Time: 17:07, Tuesday 16 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 7° 40' 6.85" E = 7.668570°
Estimate of latitude: 45° 4' 25.25" N = 45.073680°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres