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Here's a better view of my hotel. I happen to have watched a video about it just a couple of weeks a...
Here's a better view of my hotel. I happen to have watched a video about it just a couple of weeks ago. It's a famous hotel anyway but has been in the news recently because of a scammer who attempted to steal the whole building. When I watched that I had no idea that this is where I would end up staying when I came to New York. It's in the perfect place for me though and is one of the cheapest hotels on the major hotel websites anywhere in Manhattan or Brooklyn.

UTC Time: 16:34, Friday 03 May 2024
Local Time: 12:34, Friday 03 May 2024
Estimate of longitude: 73° 59′ 30.95″ W = -73.991930°
Estimate of latitude: 40° 45′ 5.40″ N = 40.751500°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres