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It doesn't look much smaller than it did to start with....
It doesn't look much smaller than it did to start with.

This roof is useless; it actually channels water onto the benches. Now the benches and the floor are all as wet as they would be if there was no roof so my bags are as well.

Checking the luggage in was a bit confusing. I carried it to the area marked as the baggage check-in. Then two different people who worked there started shouting at me to go in different directions. After seeing the confusion, one of them told me to just put it all down and he would handle it. I don't know how there could be such confusion. They must have checked in hundreds of bags already today.

UTC Time: 19:08, Sunday 05 May 2024
Local Time: 15:08, Sunday 05 May 2024
Estimate of longitude: 74° 0′ 51.19″ W = -74.014220°
Estimate of latitude: 40° 40′ 57.43″ N = 40.682620°
Possible error on position estimate: 20000 metres