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I sat here to edit and caption all today's pictures. It's very pleasant with a gentle breeze and win...
I sat here to edit and caption all today's pictures. It's very pleasant with a gentle breeze and wind chimes clanging somewhere nearby, especially since I know that breeze will be helping me on my attempt at a 100 km ride tomorrow.

I'm having much more time to relax on this trip than in previous years because I'm only doing an average of about 40 miles per day instead of 80, uploading about 30 photographs instead of 100, and I'm not having to do any hotel booking or route planning for the first 10 days because I did it all weeks ago. It's been unfortunate that until now I haven't been able to enjoy any of the extra free time because I've been in pain but I think that perhaps even that is starting to get better. I haven't taken any painkillers this evening and my back still feels tolerable.

UTC Time: 22:49, Wednesday 03 April 2024
Local Time: 17:49, Wednesday 03 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 95° 3′ 4.57″ W = -95.051270°
Estimate of latitude: 33° 36′ 51.01″ N = 33.614170°
Possible error on position estimate: 20 metres