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The T-Mobile website says that my existing phone is compatible with their American 4G network so I'v...
The T-Mobile website says that my existing phone is compatible with their American 4G network so I've just come here and bought a SIM card with unimited data for a month, so that I can use the Internet as much as I like while I'm out on the road. Now that I've turned it on though I've found that it only seems to be able to use 2G. I will probably go back to using my roaming SIM from home. That is working fine on AT&T's 4G network and it has a roaming allowance of 12 GB per month, which is probably more than I will actually need.

UTC Time: 18:58, Friday 29 March 2024
Local Time: 13:58, Friday 29 March 2024
Estimate of longitude: 96° 44′ 35.27″ W = -96.743130°
Estimate of latitude: 32° 52′ 2.06″ N = 32.867240°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres