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These ticket machines take notes as payment and give change in dollar coins. I find I never have eno...
These ticket machines take notes as payment and give change in dollar coins. I find I never have enough change when I'm in America so they have been useful. I've had $14 out of them in the last three days. Unfortunately nobody here has enough change so I've already lost 3 of those coins to a beggar and 5 to somebody outside Wal-Mart who needed change for a $5 note.

UTC Time: 18:30, Saturday 30 March 2024
Local Time: 13:30, Saturday 30 March 2024
Estimate of longitude: 96° 46′ 55.02″ W = -96.781950°
Estimate of latitude: 32° 47′ 11.83″ N = 32.786620°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres