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Today is the first day in many years of these trips that I've got on the road without already having...
Today is the first day in many years of these trips that I've got on the road without already having accommodation booked for that night. I would guess that the last time I did that would probably have been 2015. I don't really know what the traffic, the flooding, the road conditions, the wind or my health will be like so I don't want to commit to a long ride, or restrict myself to a short one. There's no need to anyway: there are clusters of hotels about every 10 miles, almost all of them have vacancies and I've got really reliable mobile Internet access now.

(Yes, okay, this is a staged picture. Anybody who has been following very closely will realise that the phone which I'm actually holding is the one which has mobile data turned off. I couldn't be bothered getting a different one out of my bag just for this.)

UTC Time: 16:22, Thursday 11 April 2024
Local Time: 11:22, Thursday 11 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 43′ 50.48″ W = -92.730690°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 28′ 45.77″ N = 34.479380°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres