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There's something strange going on with this bike. On Monday morning the back tyre was in good condi...
There's something strange going on with this bike. On Monday morning the back tyre was in good condition when I started but after about 10 miles it had gone soft so I changed the inner tube. It was okay for the rest of the day but by the time I next checked the bike on Wednesday it was soft again. I threw that tube away as well and swapped the tyre and tube which had been on the front wheel onto the back. Today, after 30 miles it was noticeably soft again so I reinflated it. After another 25 miles it's gone soft again. I examined the wheel rim yesterday and couldn't find anything which could be causing slow pucntures.

I will be in this hotel for two nights. The reason why I've chosen it is because it's close to Little Rock's only decent-sounding bike shop, which is called "Angry Dave's". Apparently he got the name because he gets angry at how bad other bike shops are. His website says that you can just bring a bike in and they will service it. Tomorrow I will find out whether he really is different to other bike shops or whether he'll just say that he's too busy and I can book it in for a service in two weeks if I want.

UTC Time: 23:35, Thursday 11 April 2024
Local Time: 18:35, Thursday 11 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 15′ 55.33″ W = -92.265370°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 46′ 44.04″ N = 34.778900°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres