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For the next 9 miles, I have a choice of either the modern road, which is both US 62 and US 67, or t...
For the next 9 miles, I have a choice of either the modern road, which is both US 62 and US 67, or this old alignment. The old alginment is made of concrete blocks. They tend to settle over time so that you get a little step at the point where each block meets the next, and I'm always wary of riding on a road like that because I feel that hundreds of little bumps like that could damage the bike. However, just before the place where I had to make the decision, the shoulder on the modern road changed to gravel so I'm going to go the old way.

UTC Time: 15:35, Tuesday 16 April 2024
Local Time: 10:35, Tuesday 16 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 90° 50′ 32.96″ W = -90.842490°
Estimate of latitude: 36° 17′ 55.18″ N = 36.298660°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres