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Missouri is the first state on this trip which I have visited before. One thing that I always note a...
Missouri is the first state on this trip which I have visited before. One thing that I always note as unusual is that minor roads here have designations which are letters, rather than numbers. Specifically, they are always either a single letter or a single letter repeated. I don't know why they don't use combinations of two different letters. That would give a lot more combinations. As it is, this is by no means the only EE road in Missouri. I think each name is only unique within its county.

UTC Time: 18:49, Tuesday 16 April 2024
Local Time: 13:49, Tuesday 16 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 90° 24′ 43.56″ W = -90.412100°
Estimate of latitude: 36° 33′ 37.08″ N = 36.560300°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres