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There's the morning train ready to depart for Chicago. I just heard it honking. I also heard the ove...
There's the morning train ready to depart for Chicago. I just heard it honking. I also heard the overnight train honking bang on time at 3.16 this morning. Several freight trains also caused me to stir during the night but even before I opened my eyes I could tell which one was the passenger train because there was no Doppler shift on it sound. I like hearing noises like that during the night when I'm on holiday: it keeps me aware of where I am. Ever since seeing the name of the building across the road yesterday, I had been trying to think of an appropriate Paul Simon lyric. I now realise that it's "Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance".

I see that now that my camera is functioning again it has a new problem: a dark spot near the middle of the picture. There's not much that I can do about that. I think perhaps it is time for a new camera. Staples didn't have any, Best Buy seem to have abandoned central Illinois and a search for other camera shops didn' t reveal anything so it will probably have to be Wal-Mart.

UTC Time: 12:04, Monday 22 April 2024
Local Time: 07:04, Monday 22 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 89° 13′ 3.72″ W = -89.217700°
Estimate of latitude: 37° 43′ 28.45″ N = 37.724570°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres