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People have been getting on at each station, which made me wonder how many people had chosen to sit ...
People have been getting on at each station, which made me wonder how many people had chosen to sit in the room where my bike is, whether it was in their way, whether it was even staying upright and whether I should move down there. The complication was that the guard has been sticking a little strip of paper above each occupied seat. I didn't know why but I thought that if I moved it might upset his system. A little while ago the female guard came to me and told me that she had moved my panniers from the luggage rack where I put them to one which is in the room with the bike. I asked whether it would help I if moved down there and she told me to stay here. I think I've now realised why: she has just made an announcement saying that 200 people will be getting on here in Champaign so all the standard class seats will be full. That explains why she doesn't want me in the standard class area but I can't help thinking there will be problems because I can see somebody in a wheelchair, and my bike is in the wheelchair space.

UTC Time: 15:23, Saturday 27 April 2024
Local Time: 10:23, Saturday 27 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 88° 14′ 27.17″ W = -88.240880°
Estimate of latitude: 40° 6′ 56.66″ N = 40.115740°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres