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I've now checked out of my hotel with my luggage but my train doesn't leave for nine hours so I'm go...
I've now checked out of my hotel with my luggage but my train doesn't leave for nine hours so I'm going to enjoy some of Chicago's open-air spaces. This is Daley Plaza, where my attention was caught by the sound of a band playing. It turns out that the performers are all lawyers, celebrating something called Law Day. I stopped to listen to the whole thing but it was mostly speeches rather than music.

UTC Time: 17:11, Wednesday 01 May 2024
Local Time: 12:11, Wednesday 01 May 2024
Estimate of longitude: 87° 37′ 49.94″ W = -87.630540°
Estimate of latitude: 41° 53′ 0.53″ N = 41.883480°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres