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You can't see it very well but there is a switch to the right of the patio doors. I thought it must ...
You can't see it very well but there is a switch to the right of the patio doors. I thought it must be the switch to make the shutter go up and down but when I pressed it, it did nothing. I then thought to put my key card in the slot by the room door. That turned on the power to the room but it didn't seem to make that switch do anything. What it did to was turn on the television and, unusually, the empty kettle. It was lucky that I decided to make myself a cup of coffee after only a few minutes, or I might not have realised that the kettle was hot. Much later, I found that that switch is for the outside light and the switches which control the shutter are hidden amonf the light switches next to the bed.

UTC Time: 17:36, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Local Time: 19:36, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 7° 11' 32.10" E = 7.192250°
Estimate of latitude: 43° 42' 43.02" N = 43.711950°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres