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Now back to the story of how I checked in. Having parked the car in the road, I came to the little p...
Now back to the story of how I checked in. Having parked the car in the road, I came to the little pedestrian gate and found that that was locked as well. There was an intercom on it so I pushed all the parts which looked like buttons and eventually found the one which was the actual button. The receptionist then unlocked the gate and let me check in. He explained that my key card would open the vehicle gate. I then headed back down that path towards the road and again found that I couldn't work out how to get the pedestrian gate to open. The receptionist had to come out and shout to me that the button to press was on that post between the second and third tree on the right, rather than on the gatepost where everybody would expect it to be. By that time I was a bit flustered and in my attempt to press it, somehow ended up flinging my passport into a flower bed. After that, I thought that I had got over the problems with the gates because for some reason, even after a day's experience with motorway toll booths, it didn't occur to me that the card reader for the vehicle gate would be on the left side of the car.

UTC Time: 17:37, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Local Time: 19:37, Wednesday 17 May 2023
Estimate of longitude: 7° 11' 32.10" E = 7.192250°
Estimate of latitude: 43° 42' 43.02" N = 43.711950°
Possible error on position estimate: 10 metres