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The ground is quite wet now. I've been on major roads for almost the whole trip so far but my intend...
The ground is quite wet now. I've been on major roads for almost the whole trip so far but my intended route away from Malvern does use a quieter back road. I hope it's not flooded.

While coming through Malvern during the partial eclipse on Monday, I did go along a road which had signs saying that it was closed. It was actually fine at the time. I think the signs had been deployed preemptively with the expectation that it would be under water by now. The weather here hasn't been terrible though. This part of Arkansas is on the edge of a region of low pressure which has been bringing tornadoes and, apparently, baseball-sized hailstones to Louisiana and Eastern Texas.

UTC Time: 20:44, Wednesday 10 April 2024
Local Time: 15:44, Wednesday 10 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 49′ 45.05″ W = -92.829180°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 23′ 29.29″ N = 34.391470°
Possible error on position estimate: 5 metres