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The back tyre had gone flat again, because of a tiny hole in the tube which I think might be a manuf...
The back tyre had gone flat again, because of a tiny hole in the tube which I think might be a manufacturing fault. I've taken the opportunity to swap the front and back tyres because back tyres wear down much faster than front tyres. I've also adjusted the brakes and gears a bit. The gears are better than they were but still not perfect.

I've been taking great care not to let the bike damage or dirty the room at all while it's been in here. The silly thing about that is that the left side of the room, where the bike has been, is still perfectly clean but the right side, where I have been sitting, now has grass and plant debris all over the floor because there are no pavements on this retail park so I've been having to walk on the wet grass.

UTC Time: 22:40, Wednesday 10 April 2024
Local Time: 17:40, Wednesday 10 April 2024
Estimate of longitude: 92° 49′ 48.22″ W = -92.830060°
Estimate of latitude: 34° 23′ 35.45″ N = 34.393180°
Possible error on position estimate: 50 metres